WELBY Holistic Healing hosted two professional workshops on 1) Broadsword foundation skills and form and 2) Reusi Dat Ton (Thai Yoga/ Ascetic Self Stretch) in January 2019. This was the first time ever Reusi Dat Ton workship being offered in Australia and we have attendees from various disciplines with health professionals, yoga therapists, tai-chi qigong…
Tag: Health

WELBY Holistic Healing YouTube Channel
WELBY Holistic Healing YouTube channel is now up and running! https://www.youtube.com/WELBYHolisticHealing We upload videos of essential Qigong routines to allow you keeping up with your health regimes and for our current students who happen to miss their training sessions. Feel free to click on our contact us button or email info@welbyholistic.com and let us know…

Bendigo Martial Arts Master inducted into International Hall of Honors
Bendigo Kung Fu and Tai Chi master, Raymond Lee, has been recognised by his international peers at the martial arts equivalent of the Academy Awards – Action Martial Arts Hall of Honors 2018 in Atlantic City, USA. He received two awards: 1) Master of the year and 2) Excellence in Teaching Martial Arts and is…

2017 Fan Workshop Redux
Congratulations to those who managed to find time attending the fan workshop redux during this busy time of the year in the beginning of December. We had a smaller group of people this time for the intensive training to ensure we got the sequence right and corrected a few fan techniques for those who have…

Shibashi Tai Chi Qigong Routine #3
Our first reference video to help and motivate current students consolidating what we learn in one of our Qigong classes. Shibashi Routine #3 is designed to build up our internal energy focusing on the flow of Qi (Vital Energy) and fluidity of movements and coordination. It is easy to learn and very enjoyable to practise…