1st Tai-Chi Biomechanics and Martial Applications Workshop in Australia!

1st Tai-Chi Biomechanics and Martial Applications Workshop in Australia!

WELBY Holistic Healing ran a successful workshop on Tai Chi biomechanics and martial applications on the 24th February 2019.


The aim of this unique workshop was to educate people about how to conserve energy and to stay grounded, one concept but applicable to not just Tai Chi; it can be applied to any activities of daily living, sports and all other martial arts systems.

We are so proud of every one who attended and got out of their comfort zones to embrace themselves with the power to work alongside with everyone and to explore martial arts techniques in order to put the essence, intent, meaning back into Tai Chi – Soft but STRONG inside; not just waving arms aimlessly when practising. #NeedleWithinCottonWool

Next biomechanics workshop coming up in MAY! Watch this space.