World Tai Chi Qigong Day 2018 Bendigo

World Tai Chi Qigong Day 2018 Bendigo

EVENT CONCLUDED Please find photos, live videos and media coverage here: Posted by WELBY Holistic Healing on Friday, April 27, 2018 Posted by WELBY Holistic Healing on Friday, April 27, 2018   Let’s indulge ourselves in endless qigong and taichi routine starting at 10am 28th April 2018 in the front of the Bendigo…

FREE Bendigo Community Tai-chi, Kids Workshop, Live Music Family Friendly Event

FREE Bendigo Community Tai-chi, Kids Workshop, Live Music Family Friendly Event

EVENT CONCLUDED Please find photos of the event here: Shindig in the Gully 2018 Thank you to The Ironbark Gully Friends, Bendigo Community Forest Garden for organising and… Posted by WELBY Holistic Healing on Sunday, March 25, 2018   WELBY Holistic Healing is sponsored by the Ironbark Gully Friend and will be running a FREE…

Bendigo Free Outdoor Tai Chi Session - Chinese New Year Celebration 2018

Bendigo Free Outdoor Tai Chi Session - Chinese New Year Celebration 2018

EVENT CONCLUDED Please find photos of the event here: 2018 Year of the Earth Dog Chinese New Year Tai Chi.Thank you for those who turned up and Bendigo Library for… Posted by WELBY Holistic Healing on Saturday, February 17, 2018     2018 = Year of the Earth Dog – A year that your loyalty,…

2017 Fan Workshop Redux

2017 Fan Workshop Redux

Congratulations to those who managed to find time attending the fan workshop redux during this busy time of the year in the beginning of December. We had a smaller group of people this time for the intensive training to ensure we got the sequence right and corrected a few fan techniques for those who have…

Bendigo Physiotherapist Completed Further Certification at Wat Po Thai Traditional Medical School

Bendigo Physiotherapist Completed Further Certification at Wat Po Thai Traditional Medical School

During the recent term break Raymond returned to Wat Po temple in Thailand to participate and to take Reusi Dat Ton (Thai Yoga/ Hermit Exercises/ Ascetic Self Stretch) classes every morning to consolidate what he studied back in May.

“The morning class is free to public and most of the time students who are studying traditional Thai massage or foot massage are encouraged to attend this morning class as Reusi Dat Ton is regarded as the foundation of traditional Thai medicine. It was fantastic as I get to mingle with other students who are studying traditional Thai massage and on certain days tourists from all over the world who are curious and simply giving it a go. It was quite strenuous because of the heat and humidity but it was really rewarding afterwards. Also you get a Mulberry tea as a “reward” after the 30mins session!”, said Raymond of the experience taking classes in the famous temple.

At the same time Raymond also completed the Traditional Thai Facial Therapy certificate after giving 20 facial treatments successfully to fellow students, teachers and customers to the clinic.

Facial therapy consists of seven steps include cleansing massage, apricot exfoliation, Thai traditional facial massage, clay mask, cucumber mask, toner and collagen enriched face cream.

“The facial therapy protocol is very very very strict and the teachers there do not allow any deviation from the traditional method. I guess since it has been passed down from generations and a proven approach to facial rejuvernation, why change anything? But I cannot wait to combine that with facial acupuncture techniques because I can see the same acu-points they use with the facial massage, if we follow the same flow of energy and sequences we may be able to create an even more powerful facial rejuvernation regime! For those people who are not comfortable with needles, then the facial therapy can be a stand-alone treatment to achieve great result already! I am very excited.”, exclaimed Raymond.

WELBY Holistic Healing is planning to commence a unique Reusi Dat Ton class in Bendigo in 2018, you can register your interests using our contact form or email

Facial therapy and facial rejuvernation acupuncture treatments available at Bendigo Chinese Medicine, 54 Booth Street, Golden Square. For more information you can contact us at or call 54431393 for an appointment.


The History of Salutation

The History of Salutation

One of the first things you would learn when joining a Chinese kungfu/ taichi school is to salute. There are many different interpretations and meanings behind the now standardised salutation in all international wushu/ taichi/ Chinese opera/ lion and dragon dancing events and performances.

According to IWUF – International Wushu Federation … (Page 63)

But why left palm right fist? (Except when you are holding a weapon)

It all dated back to as early as 6th-5th Century B.C and it is stated clearly in one of the highest regarded and the earliest classical Chinese literature “Tao Te Ching” – The Way of Moral/ Virtue’s Chapter 31.

老 子: 「道 德 经」 : 第 三 十 一 章
夫 兵 者 , 不 祥 之 器 ,
物 或 恶 之 , 故 有 道 者 不 处 。
君 子 居 则 贵 左 , 用 兵 则 贵 右 。
兵 者 不 祥 之 器 , 非 君 子 之 器 ,
不 得 已 而 用 之 , 恬 淡 为 上 。
胜 而 不 美 , 而 美 之 者 , 是 乐 杀 人 。
夫 乐 杀 人 者 , 则 不 可 得 志 于 天 下 矣 。
吉 事 尚 左 , 凶 事 尚 右 。
偏 将 军 居 左 , 上 将 军 居 右 , 言 以 丧 礼 处 之 。
杀 人 之 众 , 以 悲 哀 泣 之 , 战 胜 以 丧 礼 处 之 。

Chapter 31
Now arms, however beautiful, are instruments of evil omen,
hateful, it may be said, to all creatures. Therefore they who have
the Tao do not like to employ them.
The superior man ordinarily considers the left hand the most
honourable place, but in time of war the right hand. Those sharp
weapons are instruments of evil omen, and not the instruments of the
superior man;–he uses them only on the compulsion of necessity. Calm
and repose are what he prizes; victory (by force of arms) is to him
undesirable. To consider this desirable would be to delight in the
slaughter of men; and he who delights in the slaughter of men cannot
get his will in the kingdom.
On occasions of festivity to be on the left hand is the prized
position; on occasions of mourning, the right hand. The second in
command of the army has his place on the left; the general commanding
in chief has his on the right;–his place, that is, is assigned to him
as in the rites of mourning. He who has killed multitudes of men
should weep for them with the bitterest grief; and the victor in
battle has his place (rightly) according to those rites.

Therefore you can see from the traditional Chinese culture, left palm represents humility especially with thumb tucked in to represent “four” and the right fist representing “five” – “Five Lakes and Four Seas” (五湖四海) or “Five Continents and Four Oceans”(五洲四洋) which essentially means – “All over the world” – We who practice kungfu, taichi, qigong all over the world are one big family and friends without judgment but only love and understanding.

The “four” also represents the all around development of the four ways of life – moral qualities, intellectual ability, physical fitness and aesthetic appreciation.

When we are saluting with the left palm covering the right fist, it is to show self control, discipline, respect, humility before any act of self proclaimed bravery, fight or righteousness as a sign of self assurance. (止戈为武 – to stop or avoid a fight is the ultimate way of martial arts)

So when do we do right palm left fist salutation? As you can read from Chapter 31 in Tao Te Ching again, it is to be used during mournful events such as a funeral to show your condolences, to disrespect someone or sometimes a fight to the death.

However when you are holding a weapon, you keep your right hand opened because that way you show your decency that you are not hiding anything other than the weapons that you are carrying on your left.

There are also suggestions that because of the yin and yang theory or ancient sexism, women should be doing the salute with right palm, left fist. With time changing and equality in the modern world this has been disregarded and hence now standardised in any international events with the left palm and right fist salutation to honor the traditional Chinese culture and value.