Bendigo Physiotherapist Completed Further Certification at Wat Po Thai Traditional Medical School

Bendigo Physiotherapist Completed Further Certification at Wat Po Thai Traditional Medical School

During the recent term break Raymond returned to Wat Po temple in Thailand to participate and to take Reusi Dat Ton (Thai Yoga/ Hermit Exercises/ Ascetic Self Stretch) classes every morning to consolidate what he studied back in May.

“The morning class is free to public and most of the time students who are studying traditional Thai massage or foot massage are encouraged to attend this morning class as Reusi Dat Ton is regarded as the foundation of traditional Thai medicine. It was fantastic as I get to mingle with other students who are studying traditional Thai massage and on certain days tourists from all over the world who are curious and simply giving it a go. It was quite strenuous because of the heat and humidity but it was really rewarding afterwards. Also you get a Mulberry tea as a “reward” after the 30mins session!”, said Raymond of the experience taking classes in the famous temple.

At the same time Raymond also completed the Traditional Thai Facial Therapy certificate after giving 20 facial treatments successfully to fellow students, teachers and customers to the clinic.

Facial therapy consists of seven steps include cleansing massage, apricot exfoliation, Thai traditional facial massage, clay mask, cucumber mask, toner and collagen enriched face cream.

“The facial therapy protocol is very very very strict and the teachers there do not allow any deviation from the traditional method. I guess since it has been passed down from generations and a proven approach to facial rejuvernation, why change anything? But I cannot wait to combine that with facial acupuncture techniques because I can see the same acu-points they use with the facial massage, if we follow the same flow of energy and sequences we may be able to create an even more powerful facial rejuvernation regime! For those people who are not comfortable with needles, then the facial therapy can be a stand-alone treatment to achieve great result already! I am very excited.”, exclaimed Raymond.

WELBY Holistic Healing is planning to commence a unique Reusi Dat Ton class in Bendigo in 2018, you can register your interests using our contact form or email

Facial therapy and facial rejuvernation acupuncture treatments available at Bendigo Chinese Medicine, 54 Booth Street, Golden Square. For more information you can contact us at or call 54431393 for an appointment.