Fund Raising for Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation - Round 2

Fund Raising for Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation - Round 2

Thank you to those who donated in 2021 for the marathon attempt … It was such an amazing success with the fund raising for Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation.

So here we go again, why not do another fund raising for a really good cause once more! This is not as challenging as full marathon but still …

We are trying to fundraise $4462 (our record last time!) to help Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation. Please help all people we know who are/ maybe affected by suicide by making a donation through this page.

It only takes a minute and any money you can give (no matter how large or small) will go a long way to helping us reaching our target.

What is stadium stomp? You can find info here:

BUT for those who are keen, why not being involved yourself and join our team to help fund raising? It is fun and not as hard as you think, it is only 7300 stairs up and down. YOU can do it if you do Tai Chi/ Kung Fu or walk every day.

The good thing is you can do this at your own pace and if you cannot manage, you can safely exit the course. Low stress! Give it a go! Half course full course you do not know if you do not try!

Thank you and your support will be much appreciated once again!

Let’s do it!