Even prior to Covid-19 WELBY Holistic Healing has always been renowned for its regimented infection control practice, from clinic treatment room to classrooms and venues. Our physiotherapy and facial acupuncture services are still operating. Your health is most important to us and we have completed COVID-19 infection control training via Australia Government Department of Health…
Day: 8 June 2020

Essential Skin Care For Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture
Our skin is one of our first line of defence, one of the largest organs in our body and looking after it is more than just vanity! Honour your skin and honour yourself holistically. Organic, vegan friendly TCM facial products now available at our clinic. Lots of clients have been looking for a cleanser that…

Real Time, Fun and Interactive Learning Experience with Virtual Online Classes
Our WELBY family has been staying strong, connecting every week and supporting each other through our virtual online classes. Even though we cannot physically meet and see each other during the difficult time with the Covid-19 restrictions, all our online classes have been super interactive with real time instruction and correction. Every one meet weekly…

Clinical Qigong and Physiotherapy Exercises for Respiratory Health Videos
Prior to the Covid-19 Coronavirus lock down, on the final week of Term 1 2020 classes we have selected eight movements from various Qigong and physiotherapy program, putting them together into a sequence, aiming to help our students to maintain and improve their immune systems, assist cardiopulmonary functions as well as to support recovery of…

Autumn in the Mall 2020 with the City of Greater Bendigo council
The council of the City of Greater Bendigo invited WELBY Holistic Healing to conduct a series of 45 minutes public Tai Chi classes, as one of the projects to revitalise the CBD of Bendigo over the autumn of 2020. Although the autumn was cut short due to Covid-19, we had a nice group of people…