Real Time, Fun and Interactive Learning Experience with Virtual Online Classes

Real Time, Fun and Interactive Learning Experience with Virtual Online Classes

Our WELBY family has been staying strong, connecting every week and supporting each other through our virtual online classes.

Even though we cannot physically meet and see each other during the difficult time with the Covid-19 restrictions, all our online classes have been super interactive with real time instruction and correction. Every one meet weekly just like our normal sessions and continue to learn new exercises, techniques, Tai Chi, Kung Fu and health Qigong forms within the comfort of our own space.

We cannot be more proud of how younger children can stay focus more during their online sessions and very excited with the older population who are not afraid to try new things/ technology and decided to give the online classes a go. This is the ideal of WELBY and the ageless aging concept, we stay young when we accept the change and be the change. We can all be WELBY when we keep learning and accepting new ideas.

Thank you to all current students and new ones who join us during this term, may all our flow be with the go.

What is WELBY

W – Wellness

E – Elegance

L – Longevity

B – Beauty

Y – Youthfulness

WELBY = well be, be well.

WELBY was a nickname given to me years ago for reasons unknown and now I finally embrace it, finding words to go with each letter, and it is of course, open to your individual interpretation as to what each word means to you, based on your upbringing, social experience and health status.

From my humble perspective, wellness is your ultimate state of multidimensional harmony, elegance is when you shine on your path of least resistance, longevity is to live a meaningful life and to pass on your knowledge and ideas be they big or small, beauty is the radiance you have when you appreciate the finer details of things you cross path with and finally my favourite one – youthfulness, how old are you when you do not know how old you are? You stay young when you accept the change and be the change. You can be WELBY too when you keep learning and accepting new ideas.